I was hard at work today, getting ready for Valentine's Day when I began thinking. . gee. . . it would be so nice if I had someone to help me out a bit. You know. . and extra set of hands to double productivity. Well, just when I was at my wits end someone appeared eager to help. The price was right and he was really cute too.
At first he was very eager to work. He jumped right in (literally) and started lending a hand. . I mean paw. He was very interested in how one makes a tussie mussie.
He grabbed a seat close by and waited patiently for instructions.

He was careful to pay close attention to every step involved in the process.

However, as the day wore on he lost interest, and soon became rather bored with the whole thing.

He longed to play with his friends and began dreaming of life before his new job. "What is a tussie mussie anyway?" he thought.

Finally, he realized he was just asking too much of himself and that his skill set was better utilized in a new position, guarding the lace.

At the end of the day we did manage to come up with a few things to share that both Leo and I were quite happy with. Tomorrow, Leo is going to try his hand. . paw, at the computer and loading some of our new creations to our site. We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for visiting. :)