Well vintage inspired anyways. I enjoyed another day of creating. It was cold and raining so the perfect time to get some new goodies made. I worked primarily on Valentines with a few wedding things as well.
I was on a roll today and before I knew it, made well over a dozen gift tags. Don't you just love it when you are "in the zone."
I also stamped some gift bags. . .
and made some new note cards. I just love the way they turned out and it was nice to play with pink for a change.
Well I am off to snuggle on the couch with a cup of cocoa, my sweet hubby and a movie. For a closer look at these goodies and more, visit our site here. :)
It was a sunny cool day here and while the kids enjoyed playing outside I took some time to play a bit as well. It has been such a busy few months here as we have been house hunting and have finally found our little dream home. Now while we wait for things to move forward with it I jumped at the chance today to relax and create just for the fun of it! The first thing I did was this wreath. I have always wanted to make one so I tried my hand at it and this is the result!
I also made a creamy lace covered canvas. .
and a few Valentine treats. It was such an enjoyable day and now that I have the creating bug I am off to play some more this evening! These creations and a few other new goodies are available here. Happy Crafting!
As a child I couldn't wait for Christmas to come. I would stalk those presents under the tree, gently shaking the boxes trying to guess what was inside. This year as my children do the same I find myself waiting. . . with great anticipation for what will be a wonderful gift of sorts. A new home. We have been, and continue to wait patiently. Well, truth be told I am actually somewhat impatient . . for our house to come through. I just keep hearing the lyrics from that Tom Petty song over and over in my head. "The waiting is the hardest part." I do vow to remain optimistic that with the new year will come many wonderful changes for myself and my family. We have waited this long and I'm sure I can wait a few weeks longer. In the mean time I will go on singing my song and planning for our new home.
I took a break the other day from the craziness that is December and worked on a little junque book. It felt really good to create just for the fun of it. With a nice cup of Nutcracker tea in hand and a little Etta James in the background, it was one of those rare quiet moments in what has become an extra busy time of year. You see we are in the midst of buying a house and well it is a bit hectic being around the holidays, it is a very exciting time for us. I'll share more on the house front as it unfolds.
Back to the little junque book. I decided not to over do it, but rather just get it started and leave it for someone to add their own special touches.
There are pockets filled with creative goodies.
and little embellishments throughout.
It's just waiting for someone to personalize it with their own special memories. You can see more of my little junque book here. Happy Creating!