Up until recently I have been pretty sick with this pregnancy (yep, baby #3 is on the way!). When we moved into our new home we were fortunate enough to have huge lemon, tangerine and tangelo trees. The smell of them coming through the window with the breeze is just heaven. As I have started to feel better and begin to actually keep food down I find myself craving lemons terribly! I have been squeezing them on everything I eat and have bowls of them all over the house. My husband thinks I'm crazy but I just keep cutting them up for the smell alone. This is really odd for me because I have never been one for sour foods. In the past 3 months however I have not had anything sweet apart from trying a bowl of ice cream a few times to help my aching tummy.
So I guess it will be lemons this time around. With my first it was avocados and milk, my second I craved bean and cheese burritos and again lots of milk. This time just lemons, oh and water. I can't get enough water. Let's hope this baby isn't a sourpuss. LOL
Hope you have a wonderful day and indulge in a craving of your own!