Every year there is always such a big to do about Christmas in July. While I like Christmas, I really love Halloween. This year I thought I would get a little head start on one of my favorite Holidays.
Of course there has to be a little bit of Poe! As an English major he was always one of my favorites.
And I admit. . I was always the girl dressed in black when I was younger. :p
So I was feeling pretty inspired and these are a few of the things I came up with!
I hope you enjoy and a Happy Halloween in July on this 31st day!
Lately I am in a bit of a crown phase. I don't know what it is, I just can't seem to escape them. Maybe I should have a little crown giveaway soon. (hint, hint)
This Bishops Crown is just the coolest. It's rusty and huge and can be filled with so many great things.
These little gold ones are just too cute!
Here are a few more crowns.
These and many more new crowned goodies are now available!
I found this pretty picture on a most dreadful brown wooden plaque a while back.
It has been sitting around for a while and I finally decided to dismantle the plaque and thought it would be the perfect addition to this old jewelry box.
It is filled with lots of pretties to create with.
Here is a look at more of the goodies tucked inside.
I've also been playing around with paper clay a bit. . .back to to drawing board on this one. So many ideas, so little time!
Today I found some wonderful goodies while venturing to my favorite treasure trove. I'm not sure what it is lately but I find myself drawn to white. I guess it's the clean, simple look of it, like these beautiful pitchers. My house is full of color, which I love. Deep plums and rich reds, but a break would be nice. Perhaps when we move (in the not so distant future) I will have a white room. A clean space and break for my eyes among my vibrant palette. Well, here is a look at a pretty pitcher and some sparkle too!
I could just see this pitcher with a big bouquet of fresh picked flowers.
Or this sweet cow pitcher in a kitchen filled with cooking utensils.
Looking to add a bit of sparkle to your life? This dainty little shaker set is one way to store your German glitter in style!
We took a trip yesterday to The Getty Villa in Malibu. It was a beautiful day, clear and sunny and the ocean is literally right across the street from the museum which is nestled in the hills.
We wanted to see The Aztec Pantheon which was only on exhibit for a few more days. Of course when we got home we realized we didn't take any pictures of it! It was really amazing! There were so many so many unbelievable pieces on display including a sacrificial stone and vessels used in offerings to the Gods. It was really incredible!
This is one of the first views as you approach the museum from the staircase above. A little walk but so beautiful!
The long halls and marble floors were just breathtaking. There was so much attention to detail in the architecture.
My little monkeys. They really enjoyed it, especially my 8yr. old. He is very into Ancient Greece and mythology right now so he was in awe of everything.
This fountain is in the middle of the courtyard.
There were many beautiful mosaics.
Again the details in everything were breathtaking! There was so much pottery and to see the real thing in person just leaves you speechless.
Zeus in a larger than life depiction.
There were pictures showing how the statues were found and excavated. Some were standing straight up in ground under layers of rock.
Another stunning garden and fountain.
Dionysus was of course very popular and found everywhere.
Hermes in the garden. These were of course reproductions but wonderful nonetheless.
This hall was wonderful. I loved the ceiling below.
As we left you can see the ocean in the background. It was a wonderful day, I only wish we would have taken more pictures of the art itself! You just get so caught up in it that you forget to snap photos. Keeping little ones busy hands occupied is also not easy. They were really good though and I look forward to visiting again someday!