I feel terrible for neglecting my blog for so long, however I have been a bit busy. Our sweet little girl, Evangeline Luna arrived on Oct. 2nd. She is just 3 weeks old now and we are enjoying every minute with her!
I have been getting lots of rest and thankfully, feeling pretty great! She is our third child and her big brother and sister just adore her!
My little strawberry blond, we are still trying to figure out who she resembles more. I think she has her own look with the best qualities of my husband and I.
Can't get enough of those tiny feet!
She is such a happy baby and we are so blessed to have her as the final addition to our family. We couldn't ask for anything more! On a business note, we have begun working on new items and will be listing and re-opening later this week! Thank you for all your patience as I cherish every moment of being a Mommy to my baby girl!
It has been a little while since my last post but this little girl has been keeping me on my toes, or should I say off of them! I have had to slow down and keep my feet up as I near the end of my pregnancy. Just a little over a month to go now and I am feeling it!
These were from a 3D ultrasound we had around 26 weeks. She is quite a character and was smiling at us, waving and sticking her tongue out. We can't wait to meet her and our 2 older children are beginning to think she will never actually get here. They look at me and say, Mommy, you look like you are going to explode!
With the kids back in school I now have more time to create and managed to get a few things done this week. Here is a sampling of just a few new items listed. We plan on remaining open through mid September and reopening around mid October depending when the baby decides to arrive. In the mean time hop on over and see what's new!
I am currently overrun with a rather large variety of Frozen Charlotte Dolls. I was fortunate enough to receive a shipment from Germany over the weekend and am just in love with all these sweet little girls.
There are all shapes, sizes and conditions, many of which are perfect for incorporating into art projects.
I have them tucked into every basket and bowl I can find!
The little ones are tucked into boxes and are just so adorable. As much as I adore them I plan on parting with the vast majority and let others enjoy playing with them too.
They will be available here for purchase very soon!
We are starting to get ready for our new little girl who will be sharing a room with her big sister. We began by painting and then putting up the crib. We still have a ways to go and lots of empty wall space but we are well on our way!
While I forgot to take before pictures, I did manage to get a few photos of my hubby and daughter painting. It was originally an off white with brown closets and beige trim. This is the oldest bedroom in the house (1915). It has very high ceilings and has had a few renovations done before we moved in. We did put in new carpet and now finally paint!
Francesca had so much fun helping out!
Even I got in the fun, painting the closet. Looking at this picture I just noticed my "baby bump" has grown quite substantially from when this was taken just 3 weeks ago. Yikes! This paint by the way was wonderful! Almost completely odor free! We used a blush pink for the walls and marshmallow white for the ceiling and trim. I chose a soft green which I took from my daughter's bedding as an accent color for the closet and switch plates, etc.
A few after pictures.
Mr. Leo had was very curious throughout the entire process.
Francesca's bed. . .we have lots of wall space to fill and I am hoping to do a bit of treasure hunting this coming week. I also want to get a pink chandelier for the lighting.
The baby's crib. . . I considered painting it white but that just seemed like too much work at this point. I actually like the way it looks as is. Our other children used it and it is still like new! It also converts into a daybed which is nice for the toddler years.
I absolutely love this quilt!! So soft and vintage. I am going to create an eyelet dust ruffle and we still need a mobile but at least it is a start!
Love this super soft ruffly pillow.
Starting to get a few things for her!
My favorite piece of all is this beautiful hand crocheted baby blanket my sister made. She is so talented! I can't wait to snuggle up with my little one this coming Winter.
Thanks so much for visiting! Have a wonderful week! ~Carrie
After several requests from our dear customers, we have started a new collection of tags, cards and gifts for specific occasions. These are just a few of the tags just added to our site and we have several more items on the way. Hope you like them!
when you are pregnant. (Okay, not really) I can't believe a month has gone by since I have posted. I think my blog needs a little love. I have been doing what I can to get ready for our new little girl and work on the business as my body allows. I am having a bit of a rough time with this pregnancy so I have to stay off my feet which is not easy for me, but none the less, I have about 4 months to go.
I did manage to get several new things listed this morning including bundles of our grown dried lavender so I hope you enjoy!
Up until recently I have been pretty sick with this pregnancy (yep, baby #3 is on the way!). When we moved into our new home we were fortunate enough to have huge lemon, tangerine and tangelo trees. The smell of them coming through the window with the breeze is just heaven. As I have started to feel better and begin to actually keep food down I find myself craving lemons terribly! I have been squeezing them on everything I eat and have bowls of them all over the house. My husband thinks I'm crazy but I just keep cutting them up for the smell alone. This is really odd for me because I have never been one for sour foods. In the past 3 months however I have not had anything sweet apart from trying a bowl of ice cream a few times to help my aching tummy.
So I guess it will be lemons this time around. With my first it was avocados and milk, my second I craved bean and cheese burritos and again lots of milk. This time just lemons, oh and water. I can't get enough water. Let's hope this baby isn't a sourpuss. LOL
Hope you have a wonderful day and indulge in a craving of your own!
I just got my copy today of Fifi O' Neill's book Romantic Prairie Style. It is so beautiful and exactly what I was looking for to inspire me in decorating our new home. It is filled with wonderful ideas and gorgeous pictures. I highly recommend it. I just can't seem to put it down!
It has been a very long few months but I am happy to report we are officially in our new home!! It feels so good to finally be here, boxes and all. It has only been a week but we are slowly settling in, unpacking and hunting for furniture to fill this large empty house. While my studio will be an ongoing project I plan on setting up a temporary space in the house to get the business back up and running very soon!
I had to share my absolute favorite new addition. This French Farmhouse dining table and bench. It seats up to 12 and just needs some chairs and a big bucket of dried lavender.
Very rustic and just what I had been looking for. It sits in front of a huge window seat overlooking fresh Rosemary bushes and beautiful fruit trees. I will have to share those soon! The dining room has hardwood floors so we decided to keep them and continue it into the living room.
I also love this built in hutch. For some reason everything here is painted a dark glossy chocolate brown. . but that will change soon. Picture a vintage white and the shelves filled with pretty things! We have many projects to do in this house and while I know it will take time I am enjoying doing things just as we want them. I also plan on sharing the transformations along the way. The house has very high ceilings and was built in 1915. It is just brimming with possibilities!
Now back to unpacking. Look for Noelle Garrett Designs to reopen within the next week!