We are so thrilled to finally have Olivia finished and ready to go! It took many hours, a lot of stitching and band-aids, but now she is ready to make a journey to a new home. We hope you enjoyed her little transformation and will keep an eye out for Ava who is next on our list. You can find out more information about her here.
Also, please don't forget to join us for Make Mine Pink Friday August 28th as well! It's all about getting organized and we have some fun things to help you do it in style! Please visit all the shops of Make Mine Pink for some wonderful items as well!
I have been having the most incredible luck lately. I have aquired not one. . .but two vintage dress forms in as many days. Sometimes people don't realize what a treasure they have and that was the case today. I found Ava, neglected, alone and in need of some tlc. She was feeling a bit naked so we gave her a little something to make her more comfortable. She is going to take an entirly different direction from her predecessors. . Betty and Olivia. We will also have to come up with a name for our other lady joining us in a few days. Any ideas? We are open to suggestions. . she looks similar to Olivia, and has a stand. Speaking of Olivia. .
She is far from done, but here is a little peek at how she is coming along. There will be lots of lace, bits of pink and plenty of sparkle in just a few more days. I have been finding it difficult to find the time but have set aside a block this week to complete her transformation. Until next time. . hope you find some amazing treasures this week too.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy Pink Saturday everyone! I hope you are enjoying your weekend. We are going to relax and have some fun. It is our son Julian's last weekend before school starts. He is going into 2nd grade on Monday and we are so proud of him! He is our little artist and philosopher. . .always a book in hand and always contemplating life's big questions.
This week I took him and his sister Francesca to the Los Angeles County Arboretum to run, play and feed the ducks of course.
It is one of our favorite places to visit. There was plenty of pink with many flowers and trees in bloom. One area was awash in pink and I couldn't resist taking pictures.
This was one of many trees in bloom. So pretty. . except for the slight allergy kicking in. lol
Of course, what would a trip be without pictures of peacocks of course. Well, thanks for stopping by and I hope you are enjoying your last weeks of summer vacation. Be sure to stop by and visit our wonderful hostess Beverly of How Sweet The Sound. Wishing you a lovely weekend!
Here is a little look at some new items listing soon for Make Mine Pink Friday. We have so many special treasures this week for The Secrets of Mother's Jewelry Box.Join us and the boutiques of Make Mine Pink this Friday, August 21st. Simply click on the link below for a list of participating shops.
This Tuesday I wanted to share my favorite flea market find from Sunday. You see, Olivia has some new duds. By the way, Olivia is a dress form I am giving a little makeover. I have been searching for something unique for her and have had trouble figuring out what direction I wanted to take her in. Well. . .this little bit of pink tulle and lace was sticking out of a pile of old clothes in a booth at the flea market. It caught my eye right away. When I pulled it out. .
This is what I found. I knew right away I had to have it. All it took was this vintage crinoline and I knew exactly what to do with Olivia. She needs lots of work still, but I am thrilled to have found that one magical piece that is going to bring her to life so to speak. Isn't it funny how one piece can spark your creativity and bring it all together. As if this weren't enough, I also got a beautiful goodie bag in the mail yesterday full of vintage pieces which will be perfect accents for her as well. I am setting a goal to get her ready . . today her transformation begins!
Today we took a little trip to the Long Beach Antique and Flea Market. The weather was perfect, cloudy even and so not like August in Southern California. I had a list of things in mind for this trip and top on the list was a bed for my daughter Francesca. Well. . we didn't have much luck in that dept but I did manage to find some great things for the site. I also had my eye out for pink and here are a few things I found. . .
I really wanted this bench (it was such a steal!) but DH kept asking the question of the day, "Where are we going to put it?" Why do men always need a plan. I would find room and make it work. . lol.
We did find this bed but it was a full and we needed a twin. Oh, I was so hoping to come home with one.
The kiddies really had a good time in their chariot. They even got a little magic show from a sweet little old man who sold them some Hot Wheels.
Here are a few other things that caught my eye. Some great chippy old chairs.
This booth had lots of pretty things. You just wish you could take it all home with you. All in all it was a fun day and I did find something that really made it all worth while. . but I'm not sharing just yet. I will say it is for Olivia my dress form and I now have a vision for her and can't wait to get started making her over!
Oh, before I end I guess I should give you a little look at a few of the goodies I got. Lots of old bottles, crystals, lace and a big box of old millinery flowers. . among many other great things. Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing you a day filled with inspiring treasures.
Thank you for stopping by to visit this lovely Pink Saturday! I would like to thank Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting this fun day of pinkness. This week I thought I would share a few of my favorite pink treasures. Hope you enjoy and I look forward to stopping by and seeing all the pretty pink goodies being shared this week!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend with those you love most!
My poor blog has been so neglected this past week. We have been busy getting my son ready for school, out shopping for clothes and food to pack lunches again (not my favorite thing to do). I can't believe he is going to be in 2nd grade! Where has the time gone?
I have been busy organizing my workspace as well. I'll have to share a few pictures with you soon. I have begun work on some new items for fall and hopefully those will be ready to go by this weekend. I have been kicking my creating into high gear and trying to get as much done as possible in the little time I am given each day and night (mostly the wee hours of the night). Well. . for now I thought I would give you a look at what will be available this week for Make Mine Pink Friday.
The theme is Cozy Seaside Cottage and we will have lots of great items this week. I hope you are enjoying what's left of summer. For us the heat will last through October. . but I am really looking forward to seeing those leaves changing. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!
We have some new things to share with you this week and also wanted to announce we are having a 3 day sale! This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, take 20% off all orders over $10. We need to clear out inventory as we make way for some wonderful new treasures for Fall and the upcoming holiday season. Stop by and take advantage of amazing discounts while they last.
While your at it, visit the boutiques of Make Mine Pink for Pink Friday as they have "Tea For Two and Two For Tea." While we are unable to participate this week, we can't wait to see the wonderful treasures they all will have to offer.
This Saturday, August 1st Somerset Home Magazine hit the stands. I am just so thankful for this wonderful opportunity. I wanted to share a little peek of our journal feature.
This has been such an amazing learning experience for us and I can't wait to try submitting some things again.
If you would like to read the article, you can enlarge the pictures or Joyce Lucas of Make Mine Pink was so sweet to put it up here. So a big thank you to all of you for your support, your encouragement, and helping to make a dream come true for us. If you would like to get a copy of your own we have them for sale at Noelle Garrett Designs. It is really a beautiful edition, full of inspiring ideas by some very talented artists. Thanks so much for visiting and wishing you a week full of many blessings!