I can't believe I have reached my 200th blog post! What a wonderful year and a half it has been. To celebrate I am having a giveaway. One lucky person will win everything pictured here!
A one of a kind journal.
A set of tags trimmed in vintage lace,
and all the little extras shown here. It will come to you beautifully wrapped with some extra special little touches. To enter simply leave me a comment and be sure I can contact you by e-mail if you win. One winner will be randomly selected and announced on Friday, December 4th. Good luck!
Here they are! I didn't think I would get them ready. . you see, I have a bad habit of starting one project and then moving on and starting another. You see the pattern. . . My distraction this time is something I am so excited about! A furniture makeover which I will begin very soon and blog as I go. I found an amazing old desk for $12.00 and a great chair for $5.00, but more on them later. Here are the journals.
The first one is actually an off white color, it looks a bit cream in the picture.
Next up is the soft rose.
Last up is the blue-gray, my favorite. These will be available for wholesale in the color of your choice and will debut at the Dallas Market in January. I may also carry them on my site for retail as well. Thanks for stopping by and my next blog post is #200 so I'd better come up with something good. .. maybe a giveaway. :)
I thought I would give a little preview of one of the new journal designs we are working on for the Dallas Market in January. This is part of our spring line of new journals, tags, garlands and tussie mussies. This particular design offers three color variations. They are in the beginning stages but I am loving the vintage wallpaper and beautiful ephemera! Check back on Tuesday for a look at the finished product.
I am finding it hard to believe it is Thursday already and that Thanksgiving is just next week! I was reminded of this when a large group of sweet children came to my door late this afternoon collecting canned food for the homeless. I was also reminded of how truly blessed we are at this time of year. Now, on another note I managed to squeeze in some time between preparing for the Dallas Market, to take pictures of a wonderful variety of new cards and tags I will begin listing later today hopefully. Here is a look at a few of them.
We are so grateful to be featured in the January 2010 issue of Romantic Homes in the "Sites We Are Loving" section. Be sure to pick up your copy and check us out on page 13! Thank you Romantic Homes, one of our favorite magazines. It is such a dream come true to see our name and our creations in such an amazing publication! I just have to pinch myself each time I look at it!
This week was a struggle to find the time to get much done. I was a bit under the weather and the holiday threw a relaxing kink in my week. Alas, my creative bug kicked in and this is what I came up with.
I have been wanting to give this washboard/shelf a makeover for quite a while now. I covered it with vintage wallpaper, added vintage glass buttons for knobs and accented it with bits of old lace and trims.
I also made several new holiday tussie mussies in a variety of styles and colors. They are left empty and just have a bit of crinkle paper and a coordinating tag. I think they are wonderful filled with pretty little gifts and stocking stuffers.
This blue one is my favorite! I just love the ephemera. and crispness of the soft blue and white.
All of these new creations and more are available on our site. Wishing you a wonderful upcoming weekend!
Yesterday was my little one's 4th birthday tea party. As you can see, while we were setting up she was all smiles. I have to say it was such a fun day and after all the planning and set up it was so worth it! A comment on the pictures. . . my sweet hubby was playing photographer, and while he got many great shots, he did not get any of the food or tables all done up! Ahhh!!! All that work and no pictures! The kids and moms seemed to have a nice time so in the end I guess that's all that matters. Here we go!
We had a table for the moms to enjoy their tea and yummies, and lots of pretty flowers.
Francesca was all dressed and ready to go!
The girls had fun frolicking around the garden blowing bubbles in their pretty dresses and hats.
I just loved this shot!
It wouldn't be a tea party without a rendition of "I'm a Little Teapot."
Then it was time to eat! They gathered around for lots of yummy snacks. .
and fun finger sandwiches. Who doesn't love pink and purple bread?
It was then time for a few activities. . .
which gave the moms and grandma a chance to enjoy some tea, cucumber sandwiches and petite fours. Yum!
After much fun it was time to open presents.
Then it was time for cake!
This is what my son thought of the whole thing. . pink, girls, yuck!
She loved her snowball shaped cake which had to be pink of course!
The party ended with smiles, laughter and fun playing with good friends.
Today was one of those days where you have it all planned out right down to the minute what you are going to do, and then a curve is thrown in that throws it all out the window. I had a huge list of what I wanted to accomplish and was ready to jump in and get working.
Life had other plans for me however. I spent half of my day in the doctor's office with my very sick 3yr. old. The poor thing woke up ill in the middle of the night and well. . moms know how that goes. Your heart breaks to see them so miserable and you feel helpless.
Now, here we are, Tylenol, ice chips and a round of antibiotics later I am just getting to my list. I am feeling tired and ready for a nap.
My sweet daughter is, thankfully, running around, snacking and feeling oh so much better. Unless I told you, you would neve know she is sick. Funny how fast they bounce back.
While Tuesday is nearing an end. I thought I would share a few of my favorite new treasures with you. Thanks for visiting and I hope your loved ones stay healthy as cold season approaches.